
Vital Energy Alignment- Kundalini Activation

Derek Stafrace

Dear All, been in the field of massage/holistic therapy for more then 20 years now and as i always believed, you never stop learning, there is always something new or hidden to learn or to be discovered.
For sure all of us came across the saying ” we meet someone for a reason, either they are a blessing or a lesson” . In my case it is both. Whilst practicing massage therapy i had the blessing to know Rebekah. What she practice and the wisdom she has on the subject plus the Gift she has is a God send. If you feel your energy out of balance, blocked or confused or lost track in your journey and you are ready to heal yourself she is the one that can help you to get back on track! Speak the truth, be honest, open up and be ready to heal; she is the person that can guide you through!
Derek Stafrace
ITEC – Massage Therapist