
Vital Energy Alignment- Kundalini Activation



A Vital Energy Alignment Kundalini Activation taps into your vital energy, and is a transmission to awaken your energetic, emotional and spiritual field.
It’s also an activation which awakens consciousness. It is an inner dance where your body, mind and soul are one.
It awakens your energy and connects you to your essence.
It is the ability to awaken your potential and a wonderful portal of healing.
Through the activation of your energy and mobilization in the energy centers, a release and an internal balance occurs.
It brings serenity, inner freedom, clarity and presence.
It helps you to leave behind your blocks, your fears and everything that ultimately prevents you from evolving.
Kundalini Activation is a dance with your soul and with your consciousness, a meditation in motion.
Of course. Experience is not a prerequisite. You just need to show up with a beginners mind and live the experience through the eyes of a child.
This is a transmission, not a practice. Trust is the key to experiencing this fully. Coming with an open heart and an open mind to a session online or in person is the only prerequisite.
Energy is subtle so ideally, if yiu wish to benefit greatly from the receptivity of the experience, it’s a good idea to fast 4 hours before and to refrain from consuming dense foods and drinks throughout the day like coffee, milk and meats.
It is also suggested to wear comfortable loose fitting clothing which allows space for free movement.
It is also a good idea to maybe spend a little time mentally preparing by journalling gratitude and plenitude or aligning to a mindset of compassionate and humility prior to a session. This helps us to become calm, peaceful and receptive to the transmissiom
If you will be participating in an ONLINE session:
Its important that you create a private space that will not be disrupted by external interruptions.
Lay out a rug or yoga mat in a comfortable space with a blanket near by just in case you feel cold during the session.
Like during a live in person session ideally, prepare and eye mask to wear as this facilitates the inner journey.
Be sure that the camera and placement are set at least 10 minutes before the scheduled time and possibly do a test to ensure all your equipment is functional, charged, updated and your Internet connection is fluid.
Everyones experiences vary, and although it’s rare that one may experience nothing at all, it doesnt mean nothing has happened. It simply means this is how they recieved the transmission.
Some of the types of experiences that might occur during the sessions online and in person :-
Energetic experiences, while laying still, you may feel energy running through your body. It’s natural and part of the activation.
Visual experience, an active third eye, seeing lights or images, going on astral journeys and having vivid visions. Also part of the natural process of the movement of your energy.
Emotional experience, anger, sadness, fear, laughter or joy. Do not try in anyway to suppress these. Feel them and they will be released. You might want to scream, cry or laugh, any emotional release is and this encouraged and welcomed as part of the process of releasing trauma from the spine where those memories may be locked.
Kinaesthetic experiences are when the body moves, you begin to stretch, you may get into yoga poses, shake uncontrollably and use hand mudras to name a few. You are invited to pay attention to where you are feeling it and how your body wants to move without letting your mind interfere with the process.
Blissful states of being is also an experience that can be felt.
Vital Energy Alignment Kundalini Activation is a dance with your soul and with your consciousness, a meditation in motion.
There isn’t much of a difference really, while some people prefer the in person approach, others prefer the comfort of being in their homes. Level of comfort is the only affective of a sessions intensity.
Everyone’s experience varies as its very individual. In person there is some phucialy touch and online there isn’t. Only need more than one session online to activate while some activate equally quickly online and offline. From experience I gathered that its the level of surrender and comfort that are affective during a session.
So, I have come to a conclusion following years of doing distance healing that there is no difference and one needs to feel comfortable with the chosen setting and level of trust in the the facilitator.
Since this experience enhances and amplifies your sensitivities, emotional processesay be hard for persons who suffer with mania, delusion or Psychosis. This is in no way discriminative, but for their own wellness.
If people are having difficulty handling their emotions in-between sessions it is also recommended to take a break to allow the process to move through you. You may opt to have some Reiki sessions instead.
The process is considered safe, however such cases as mentioned above and for unknown reasons, we were instructed by our teachers to avoid offering the kundalini activation session also to expecting mothers.
After a session you are recommended to keep a calm demeanour and to return to your daily life. It’s sometimes nice to create a space for yourself to relax and enjoy time with yourself.
So, possibly you could set up this time for yourself to journal, walk in a park of woods even have a swim or seaside walk or go back to your daily routine at a slow pace until you’re ready to pick up the step.
You may like to eat something sweet to ground yourself but I strongly advise you to stay away from dense food, alcohol, drugs and crowdy spaces.
Its nice to take your time to get back to your routine so that you may sense your new found connection with yourself and relish the feelings.
His experience calls us to listen to our intuitive insights and to be more open to the options and likes or dislikes that arise during the days that follow.
Your body is an oracle, listen to what it’s prompting to you. Give power to your senses, time for grounding and openness to be receptive to yourself.
Vital Energy Alignment is a process for spiritual growth , self-acceptance, self empowerment, self awareness and self development to name a few, it in no way is a substitute for psychological or medical attention, diagnosis, examination or treatment.
However so, physical relief, after one or few sessions has been often regarded, but with no guarantee as it is not the primary requisite of the vital energy alignment Kundalini Activation.
Ue to the nature of the experience one may be desensitised due to medication. However so, it has shown to be of great support to those suffering from.anxiety and depression as a complimentary therapy which can definitely be of value.
Yes, I am, I have completed Inner Dance Kundalini Activation Facilitator Training with Sandra & Siegfried Who are both experienced Kundalini Activation practitioners who were trained by Pi Villaraza who was the teacher trainer of Venant Wong, the founder of Kundalini Activation globally.